Longtime ed-tech policy expert Doug Levin will take over as executive director of the State Educational Technology Directors Association later this month, replacing Mary Ann Wolf. Wolf, a former elementary school teacher and consultant on federal grants, is stepping down to spend more time with her young children.
Levin, who helped write the nation’s first ed-tech plan more than a decade ago, and its two updates since then, was previously the deputy executive director of the National Association of State Boards of Education. At NASBE, he is credited with promoting greater development and use of digital instructional materials and open educational resources on the Web.
“SETDA is well-positioned to expand its leadership in the greater educational community at this pivotal moment in education,” Levin said in a statement. “I look forward to working with our members, my colleagues, and existing and new partners to ensure that our students, teachers, and schools have the capacity and tools they need to deliver on the American promise of a complete and competitive education from cradle to career.”
SETDA represents state educational technology directors on national policy efforts, provides professional development, and negotiates partnerships with public and private organizations to promote ed-tech efforts to improve instruction.
The Glen Burnie, Md.-based organization has made significant progress in advocating more effective use of technology in schools, at a time when policymakers and educators are gaining greater appreciation and insight into how digital tools can aid reform, Wolf said recently.
“In terms of our work helping districts and states, we are seeing some new understanding and questions [among school leaders] in asking how technology can really make a difference in teaching and learning, and meeting the school improvement goals,” she said in an interview. “When I look at the four assurances required in the [American Recovery and Reinvestment Act] funding, I can’t imagine accomplishing them, particularly the reporting and accountability measures that use data, without technology.”