The State Educational Technology Directors Association, or SETDA, has recently released an action plan for the class of 2020 that emphasizes increased technology resources and better technology integration to increase the competitiveness of the U.S. in today’s global economy.
The plan is a compilation of five publications put out by SETDA about some of the most critical issues facing ed tech today: broadband needs, STEM, technology-based assessment, professional development for teachers, and virtual learning. If you want to learn more about any of those areas, I highly recommend checking out the reports. I know SETDA’s broadband paper was a great resource for me while I was researching my story about schools’ broadband needs.
SETDA is hopeful that this package of reports, along with white papers, research, and panel discussions, will be a powerful tool in shaping how the new Administration will face the challenges that have arisen in ed tech.
Are there any other areas that you would like to see addressed? Personally, I’d like to see more talk about open-source educational materials. Is there anything else that you think might be important for the new Administration to have on its radar?