April 30—Space education: Applications are due for the NASA Educator Astronauts program. The program will recruit K-12 educators interested in performing the duties and responsibilities of regular astronauts, including space walks, shuttle deployment and experimental management. Contact: Educator Astronaut Program, NASA Headquarters, Code N - EAP, Washington, DC 20546; (877)- EDASTRO; e-mail: edspace@nasa.gov; Web site: http://edspace.nasa.gov/home.html.
April 30—Technology:Applications are due for the 2003 KaBoom! Computer Associates Challenge Grants. Twenty $5,000 grants are available to organizations, schools and community groups. The grants will support the building of safe and accessible playgrounds for children. Contact: KaBOOM!, 2003 CA Challenge Grants, 333 S. Wabash Avenue, Suite 16, South Chicago, IL 60604-4107;
May 1—Arts education: Applications are due for the 2003 P. Buckley Moss Foundation and Society National Teachers Awards. The awards honor teachers and programs that utilize the arts to teach children with learning disabilities and special needs. The first-place winner will receive a $2,500 cash award and a $2,500 award for his or her school or program. Contact: P. Buckley Moss Foundation, 601 Shenandoah Village Drive, Box 1B, Waynesboro, VA 22980; (540) 932-1728; Web site: www.mossfoundation.org.
May 1—Mathematics: Applications are due for the 2003 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. The awards recognize outstanding math and science teachers for grades seven to 12. Teachers must have at least five years of classroom experience. Each recipient will receive a $10,000 award, a presidential citation and be given the opportunity to meet with government and education leaders. Contact: www.ehr.nsf.gov/pres_awards/Documents/2003_PAEMST_Application.doc or https://www.ehr.nsf.gov/pres_awards/.
May 1—Social studies: Applications are due for the Christa McAuliffe Reach for the Stars Award. The award helps classroom teachers develop strategies for social studies teaching and student citizenship projects. The winner receives a $1,000, a commemorative gift and the opportunity to make a presentation at the National Council for the Social Studies annual conference. Contact: NCSS, 8555 Sixteenth St., Suite 500, Silver Spring, MD 20910; (301) 588-1800; fax: (301) 588-2049; Web site: www.ncss.org.
June 1—Social studies: Applications are due for the Jean Dresden Grambs Distinguished Career Research in Social Studies Award. The award honors researchers who have contributed to the advancement of social studies education. The winner will receive a one-year National Council for the Social Studies and College and University Faculty Assembly membership. Contact: NCSS, Jean Dresden Grambs Distinguished Career Research in Social Studies Award, 8555 Sixteenth St., Suite 500, Silver Spring, MD 20910; (301) 588-1800; fax: (301) 588-2049; Web site: www.ncss.org.
June 1—Social studies: Applications are due for the Exemplary Research in Social Studies Awards. The awards support scholarly inquiry into social studies issues. Winners receive commemorative gifts and give presentations at the National Council for the Social Studies annual conference. Contact: NCSS, Exemplary Research in Social Studies Awards, 8555 Sixteenth St., Suite 500, Silver Spring, MD 20910; (301) 588-1800; fax: (301) 588-2049; Web site: www.ncss.org.
June 2—Science: Applications are due for the Science Class Challenge contest from the Consumer Aerosol Products Council. Fourth through 9th-grade teachers who are interested in learning about aerosols and the environment are eligible to apply. Applicants must develop a creative classroom activity centered on the Earth’s ozone layer. Up to 40 winners will receive awards ranging from $500 to $5,000, and a pizza party for their classmates. Contact: CAPCO - SCC, 99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 310, Alexandria, VA 22314; fax: (703) 740-1777; Web site: www.nocfcs.org.
June 30—Leadership: Applications are due for the USA Today All- USA Teacher Team. The program recognizes 20 teachers who have demonstrated excellence in teaching under a variety of situations. K-12 teachers with at least four years of teaching experience are eligible to apply. Winners and their schools will share a $2,500 cash award. Contact: All-USA Team Teacher, Carol Skalski, USA Today, 7950 Jones Branch Drive, Third Floor, McLean, VA 22108; (703) 854-5890; Web site: www.education.usatoday.com.
June 30—Social studies: Applications are due for the National Social Studies Programs of Excellence Awards. The awards recognize outstanding social studies programs in the United States. Each state’s social studies council must nominate the programs. State deadlines vary. Winners receive commemorative gifts, certificates, and will be allowed to make presentations about their programs at the annual National Council for the Social Studies conference. Contact: NCSS, Social Studies Programs of Excellence, 8555 Sixteenth St., Suite 500, Silver Spring, MD 20910; (301) 588-1800; fax: (301) 588-2049; e-mail: excellence@ncss.org; Web site: www.ncss.org.
May 1— Fellowship: Applications are due for the Earthwatch Institute’s Education Awards Program. Elementary, middle, high school and college-level educators and administrators from schools and nontraditional education institutions, as well as undergraduate and graduate students, are eligible to apply. Winners will participate in a one- to three-week Earthwatch expedition in which they will work alongside researchers from a range of disciplines. Contact: Earthwatch Education Awards, EI, 3 Clock Tower Place, PO Box 75, Maynard, MA 01754-0075; (800) 776-0188 ext. 118; Web site: www.earthwatch.org/ed/fellowships.html.
May 31—Leadership: Applications are due for the Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes. The prize recognizes young people who demonstrate leadership qualities by performing service work that helps improve or protect the community or the environment. Students ages eight to 18 are eligible. Each winner receives a $2,000 cash prize. Contact: The Barron Prize,P.O. Box 17, Boulder, CO 80306-0017; Web site: http://barronprize.org/criteria/index.html.
June 2—Scholarship: Applications are due for the 2003-2004 Arts Recognition and Talent Search Gold Award scholarships. High school seniors are eligible to apply. More than 100 students will be invited to participate in the National Foundation for the Advancement of the Arts’ annual 2004 ARTS Week in Miami, Fla. Twenty students will be selected to receive $10,000 scholarships. Contact: NFAA, Arts Recognition and Talent Search, 800 Brickell Avenue, Suite 500, Miami, FL 33131;(305) 377-1140; fax: (305) 377-1149; Web site: http://www.artsawards.org/application/apply.htm.