

January 31, 2001 20 min read
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A symbol (*) marks deadlines that have not appeared in a previous issue of Education Week.


January- February—Monetary-policy competition: Submissions are due for the 2001 Fed Challenge, a national economics competition for high school students, sponsored by Citibank and the Federal Reserve Bank System. Teams of five students work with a teacher to recommend a monetary policy for the United States. The teams are judged on formal presentations before Federal Reserve officials. The national winning team will receive a $5,000 scholarship for each student and teacher, plus a $10,000 grant to set up a school economics laboratory. Three national-finalist teams will receive a $2,000 scholarship for each student and teacher, plus a $3,000 grant for each team’s school. Deadlines vary, but all are in January or February. Contact: Robert Diamant, (877) 333-2454; Web site: educator/fedchal.html.

Jan. 31—Civics: Submissions are due for the RespecTeen Speak for Yourself Contest for 7th and 8th graders who are age 13 or older, sponsored by the Lutheran Brotherhood. Contestants research a national issue and write letters about it to their U.S. representatives. A panel of educators will choose a winner from each participating congressional district to receive a $50 U.S. Savings Bond. State winners also are selected and receive an expenses-paid trip to Washington. Contact:LB, (888) 376- 1876; Web site:

*Jan. 31—Civics: Submissions are due for the RespecTeen Speak for Yourself Contest for 7th and 8th graders who are age 13 or older, sponsored by the Lutheran Brotherhood. Contestants research a national issue and write letters about it to their U.S. representatives. A panel of educators will choose a winner from each participating congressional district to receive a $50 U.S. Savings Bond. State winners also are selected and receive an expenses-paid trip to Washington. Contact:LB, (888) 376-1876; Web site:

*Jan. 31—Science: Submissions are due for the Bayer/NSF Award for Community Innovation for teams of three to four students in grades 6-8, sponsored by the Bayer Corp. and the National Science Foundation. Teams identify a problem in their communities and come up with innovative solutions. 10 finalist teams will receive an expenses-paid, one-week trip to Epcot at the Walt Disney World Resort, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams win a total of $36,000 in U.S. Savings Bonds, and the winning team recieves the $25,000 Columbus Foundation Community Grant to develop their ideas, Contact: (800) 291-6020; Web site: award.htm.

*Feb. 1—American history: Applications are due for a scholarship for a high school senior planning a college major in American history, sponsored by the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The $8,000 award is distributed over four years. Students must be sponsored by local DAR chapters, which set their own eligibility standards. Contact: By sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Office of the Committees, NSDAR Scholarships, 1776 D St. N.W., Washington, DC 20006; (202) 628-1776.

*Feb. 1—Web design: Submissions are due for a Web-site-design contest for students in grades 11 and 12, sponsored by Iowa State University and various other sponsors. Web sites must demonstrate originality, creativity, and writing/ designing ability and must support topics covered in an honors or Advanced Placement high school American government class. One grand-prize winner will receive a $20,000 scholarship to be used in any field of study at ISU; two semifinalists get $10,000 scholarships. Contact: Office of Admissions, Web Design Contest, 314 Alumni Hall, Ames, IA 50011; (515) 294- 4111; e-mail:

*Feb. 2—Technology: Applications are due for the Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Awards for teams of two to four K-12 students, sponsored by Toshiba Corp., in conjunction with the National Science Teachers Association. Teams submit descriptions of technology as it might exist 20 years in the future. Each student on four first-place teams will win a $10,000 U.S. Savings Bond; students on the four second-place teams will win $5,000 Savings Bonds. The teacher-advisers of the finalist teams and their schools will win Toshiba equipment. Team members, their parents, and their advisers also will receive a trip to Washington for the awards ceremony. Contact: Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201-3000; (800) 397-5679 or (703) 243-7100; e- mail:

Feb. 7—ThinkQuest Junior: Submissions are due for ThinkQuest Junior, an international contest challenging students in grades 4-6 to build Web sites that are interactive learning tools. The contest is sponsored by Advanced Network and Services Inc., a nonprofit organization that promotes technology in education. More than $250,000 will be awarded to winning students, teachers, and schools. Contact: ANSI; Web site:

*Feb. 12—College scholarships: Applications are due for the Horace Mann Scholarship Program for college-bound high school seniors, sponsored by the Horace Mann Cos., a Springfield, Ill.-based firm that sells insurance and retirement annuities to educators. For students to be eligible, their parents or legal guardians must be employed by a U.S. public school or college. Eligible students also must have a B average and a college-entrance-exam score of at least 23 on the ACT or 1100 on the SAT. Thirty-one awards will be given: one $20,000 scholarship, 10 $4,000 scholarships, and 20 $1,000 scholarships. Contact: HMC, Scholarship Program, PO Box 20490, Springfield, IL 62708-0001; (217) 789-2500; Web site:

Feb. 15—Chemistry scholarships: Applications are due for scholarships of up to $2,500 from the American Chemical Society Scholars Program. African-American, Hispanic, and Native American high school seniors and college undergraduates are invited to apply for the scholarships. Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States and demonstrate financial need. They also must be high achievers in chemistry or other chemical sciences, and they must intend to major in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, or a chemical-related science in preparation for a career in the chemical sciences or chemical technology. Contact: ACSSP, Department of Minority Affairs, 1155 16th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20036; (800) 227-5558, ext. 6250; e-mail:; Web site: rs/scholars.htm.

Feb. 15—Poetry and art contest: Submissions are due for the fifth annual River of Words International Environmental Poetry and Art Contest, sponsored by former U.S. Poet Laureate Robert Hass, the Library of Congress Center for the Book, and the International Rivers Network. K-12 students are encouraged to submit poetry or art with watershed themes. The contest is designed to build community awareness and support of watershed protection. Winners are chosen in four age categories in both poetry and art. One international winner and eight national grand-prize winners and their parents will be honored at the Library of Congress in Washington. Contact: IRN, Attn: ROW Contest, PO Box 4000-J, Berkeley, CA 94704; (510) 433-7020; fax: (510) 848-1008; e-mail:; Web site:

*Feb. 15—Travel: Applications are due for the EF Global Citizen Awards, a scholarship program for high school juniors, sponsored by EF Educational Tours. Ten U.S. students and two Canadian students will each receive a $1,000 scholarship and a 10-day, expenses-paid educational tour of Europe. Applicants must be nominated by their schools and write an essay about what it means to be a global citizen. Contact: Global Citizen Program, EFET, EF Center Boston, 1 Education St., Cambridge, MA 02141-1883; (800) 637-8222; e-mail; Web site:

*Feb. 15—Web sites: Submissions are due for the Global Schoolhouse 2001 CyberFair, a contest for all students, sponsored by Lightspan Inc. Students must register their schools in one of eight categories and complete a Web-research and Web-site- development project. First-place schools in each category win a Gateway computer, printer, scanner, and digital camera. Contact: LI,

*March 1—Cartoons: Submissions are due for the Student Editorial Cartoon Contest for students in grades K-12, sponsored by “NewsCurrents,” a weekly current-events program produced for schools by Knowledge Unlimited Inc. Students enter cartoons that are judged on clarity, originality, and knowledge of the subject. First-, second-, and third-place winners will be named in three categories: K- 6, 7-9, and 10-12. Winners will receive U.S. Savings Bonds, and the top 100 cartoons will be featured in the forthcoming book Editorial Cartoons by Kids, 2001. Contact: KUI, NewsCurrents Editorial Cartoon Contest, PO Box 52, Madison, WI 53701; (800) 356-2303; Web site:

uMarch 1—Korean studies: Submissions are due for an essay contest for students in grades 8-12, sponsored by the Korea Society. Students submit essays discussing the impact of the Internet on the relationship between Korea and America, the challenges facing U.S. companies that do business in the Korean market, or the similarities and differences between teenagers in Korea and the United States. Cash prizes will be awarded; a grand-prize winner will also get a weeklong trip for two to Korea. Contact: Director, Korean Studies, KS, 950 Third Ave., 8th Floor, New York, NY 10022; (212) 759-7525, ext. 25; Web site:


Feb. 1—Children’s-literature research: Applications are due for the Children’s Literature Association Research Fellowships and Scholarships, sponsored by the Children’s Literature Association. As many as four fellowships of between $250 and $1,000 each will be awarded to association members for proposals of literary criticism or original scholarship that will eventually be published. Critical or original work exploring fantasy or science fiction for youngsters will be considered for the Margaret P. Esmonde Memorial Scholarship. Scholarships awarded depend on the number of applicants. Contact: Scholarship Committee, CLA, PO Box 138, Battle Creek, MI 49016-0138; (616) 965-8180; fax (616) 965-3568; e-mail:; Web site: or

*Feb. 1—Community programs: Applications are due for Community Action Grants, which support innovative, community-based programs designed to promote education and equity for women and girls, for individual women or community-based nonprofit organizations, sponsored by the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation. Grants will range from $2,000 to $7,000 for a one-year project and from $5,000 to $10,000 for a two-year project. One-year grants provide seed money for a clearly defined activity related to education and equity for women and girls. Two-year individual grants support K- 12 girls’ interest and achievement in mathematics, science, and/or technology; two-year community- based grants support school-community partnerships. Contact: AAUW Educational Foundation, Department 60, 2201 N. Dodge St., Iowa City, IA 52243-4030; (800) 326-AAUW; e- mail; Web site:

*Feb. 1—International education: Applications are due for the United States-Newly Independent States Awards for Excellence in Teaching for teachers of grades 7 or above in all disciplines, sponsored by the American Councils for International Education, a not-for-profit education, training, and consulting organization. The award will offer up to 29 teachers the chance to participate in a two-week exchange program to one of several Eastern European countries, including Russia and Ukraine. Participants will be selected based on innovation in teaching, interest in NIS foreign-language teaching methodology, desire to share experiences and knowledge with NIS colleagues, and commitment to developing and sustaining partnerships with NIS colleagues beyond the program period. Contact: Julie Lusher, ACIE, 1766 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036; (202) 833-7522; e- mail:; Web site: rograms/minisites/teatimes/index1.htm.

Feb. 1—White House fellowships: Applications are due for fellowships from the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships, which offers up to 19 fellowships for professionals to participate in a one-year educational program in government and leadership. Fellows work as special assistants in Cabinet- level departments and earn $73,141. Teachers who are U.S. citizens are eligible. Contact: Jackie Blumenthal, PCWHF, 712 Jackson Place N.W., Washington, DC 20503; (202) 395- 4522; fax (202) 395- 6179; Web site:

Feb. 1—Japanese-studies grants: Applications are due for grants from the Northeast Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies, in conjunction with the Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission. The groups support a variety of grants designed to facilitate research, improve the quality of teaching about Japan, and integrate the study of Japan into major academic disciplines. Contact: NEAC Grants, AAS, 1021 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104; (734) 665-2490; fax: (734) 665-3801; e-mail:

Feb. 1—Library media awards: Applications are due for the Frances Henne Award, cosponsored by the R.R. Bowker Co. and the American Association of School Librarians. The award pays travel expenses for a school library media specialist to attend the American Library Association 2001 conference in Indianapolis. Applicants for the $1,250 award must have five or fewer years’ experience and be members of the AASL division of the ALA; they must also have never attended an ALA annual conference or an AASL national conference. The AASL/Highsmith Research Grant, supported by the Highsmith Co., supports research on the impact of school library media programs on education. School library media specialists, library educators, and professors of education or library-information science are eligible for up to $2,500; if two or more researchers work jointly, as much as $5,000 may be awarded. Contact: AASL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795; (800) 545-2433, ext. 4383; e-mail:; Web site:

Feb. 1—Science fellowship: The Wright Center at Tufts University offers fellowships for science teachers. The program is open to teachers of grades 6-12 with a minimum of five years of teaching experience and a record of improving their schools’ science programs. Fellows will spend an academic year at Tufts’ main campus in Medford, Mass., where they further develop their teaching styles and share their ideas with colleagues. They will each receive a $45,000 stipend, up to $500 for books and other equipment, and up to $2,000 for relocation costs. The number of fellows chosen depends upon available funding. Contact: WC, TU, 4 Colby St., Medford, MA 02155; (617) 627-5394; e-mail:; Web site:

Feb. 1—Special education award: Applications are due for the Shaklee Teacher Award, sponsored by the Glenda and Forrest Shaklee Institute for Improving Special Education. The award recognizes up to 10 outstanding educators of children with disabilities. Entrants must describe their professional competence and involvement in special education. Selection is based on student performance and teachers’ related contributions. Winners will receive $1,000 each and participate in a four-day, expenses-paid, small- group workshop conducted by Shaklee Institute members. Contact: Kim Soule, (800) 835-1043; e- mail:; Web site:

*Feb. 2—Science: Applications are due for grants for programs and activities that improve K-12 teaching and the learning of science, mathematics, and technology, through projects that aim to provide direct benefits to students and include teacher- led, classroom-based experiences, sponsored by the Toshiba America Foundation. About 15 grants of $5,000 or more will be awarded. Contact: TAF, 1251 Avenue of the Americas, 41st Floor, New York, NY 10020; (212) 588-0820; e-mail; Web site:

Feb. 16—Holocaust education fellowships: Applications are due for the sixth annual Mandel Teacher Fellowship Program, sponsored by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The program is designed to immerse participants in advanced historical and pedagogical issues relating to the Holocaust. Secondary school history, social studies, and English teachers are eligible, as well as librarians and media specialists. Candidates must have taught the Holocaust for at least five years in the United States; they must also be active in community and professional organizations. Twenty-five fellows will be elected for the expenses-paid, five- day program in August at the museum in Washington. Contact: USHMM, Educational Division, MTFP, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place S.W., Washington, DC 20024-2126; (202) 314-7853; fax: (202) 314-7888; e-mail:; Web site:

Feb. 16— Korean-studies fellowships: Applications are due for fellowships from the Korea Society for study in Korea. As many as 19 American educators will spend June 25-July 13, 2001, in Korea studying Korean history, economics, language, and other topics. K-12 social studies and language arts educators are eligible; administrators, supervisors, mentors, and social studies specialists with at least three years of experience are also eligible. Contact: Yong Jin Choi, Director, Korean Studies Program, KS, 950 Third Ave., 8th Floor, New York, NY 10022; (212) 759-7525, ext. 25; fax: (212) 759-7530; e- mail:; Web site:

. *Feb. 20—NASA workshops: Applications are due for a two- week workshop at one of NASA’s centers for K-12 educators of science, mathematics, technology, or geography, sponsored by the National Science Teachers Association. Twelve participants will observe state-of-the-art research and development, create interdisciplinary and team- teaching strategies, share teaching experiences and ideas with other participants, and learn new ways to implement national standards. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration will provide travel, housing, and meals for participants; graduate credit is also available. Teachers must be U.S. citizens, certified to teach in either a public or private school, and have at least three years of teaching experience. Contact: NSTA, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201-3000; (703) 312-9391; Web site: or

*Feb. 25— Distinguished-educator fellowships: Applications are due for the Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship program, which offers teachers staff positions at various federal agencies or congressional offices in Washington, including the U.S. Department of Education, the National Science Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health, for up to one year. Einstein fellows receive a monthly stipend of $4,500 as well as travel and moving expenses. Applicants will be judged on excellence in mathematics, science, and technology; innovation; professional growth and leadership; communication skills; and knowledge of national, state, and local policies that affect education. Eligible teachers must be U.S. citizens, have a minimum of five years’ teaching experience, and be currently employed as full-time public or private school teachers of science, mathematics, or technology. Applicants must be recommended by a current school administrator and two others. Contact: Peter Faletra, (202) 586-6549; e-mail: peter.fal;

*March 1-American history: Applications are due for fellowships for graduate study of the U.S. Constitution for outstanding high school teachers of American history, American government, and social studies or for college seniors and graduate students planning teaching careers in those subjects, sponsored by the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation. The foundation will select one fellow from each state to receive up to $24,000 to help pay for graduate study leading to a master’s degree in history, political science, or education. Both full- and part- time fellowships are available. Contact: JMFP, PO Box 4030, 2201 N. Dodge St., Iowa City, IA 52243- 4030; (800) 525-6928; Web site:

March 1—Educational technology scholarships: Applications are due for the Inspired Teacher Scholarship for Visual Learning contest, sponsored by Inspiration Software Inc. Twenty K-12 teachers who promote visual learning and the meaningful use of technology in the classroom will be awarded $500 each in support of ongoing professional development in educational technology. Contact: ISI, 7412 S.W. Beaverton Hillsdale Highway, Suite 102, Portland, OR 97225-2167; Web site:

*March 1—Field research: Applications are due for the Earthwatch Teacher Fellowship for full-time K- 12 teachers, counselors, and administrators, sponsored by more than 40 corporations and administered by Earthwatch, a nonprofit group supporting scientific field research worldwide. The fellowship offers educators opportunities to participate in two-week expeditions throughout the world during the summer. Volunteers work side by side with expedition researchers and live in the field. Research is multidisciplinary, from archeology to marine biology. Fellows are eligible for funding to cover part or all of the expenses. Contact: Phoebe Congalton, Education Awards Manager, EI, Clock Tower Place, PO Box 75, Maynard, MA 01754-0075; (800) 776-0188, ext. 118; e-mail; Web site:

March 16—Cable television fellowships: Applications are due for fellowships from C-SPAN, the cable television service, for its Middle and High School Teacher Fellowship Program. Three fellows will be selected and will work at C-SPAN in Washington for four weeks in the summer to develop high school print, video, and online materials for the network. The fellows will each receive a $5,500 stipend, $500 in coupons for C-SPAN materials, and $500 for round-trip airfare and travel expenses. Contact: C-SPAN MHSTFP, C-SPAN, c/o Education Relations, 400 North Capitol St. N.W., Suite 650, Washington, DC 20001; (800) 523-7586; Web site:


Open dates—Environmental newspaper:Greentimes, an environmental newspaper written by and for students, requests stories, opinions, comments, and ideas for publication. Contact: Elizabeth Gilmore, Greentimes, 55 Reservoir St., Cambridge, MA 02138; (617) 868-5760; Web site:

Open dates—History journal:The Concord Review, the only quarterly journal to publish secondary students’ academic work, accepts student essays on historical topics. Essays should be approximately 5,000 words, plus endnotes. Submissions chosen for publication are eligible for the Emerson Prize, a $3,000 award. Contact: CR, PO Box 661, Concord, MA 01742; (800) 331-5007 or (978) 443-0022; e-mail:; Web site:

Open dates—Pen pals: World Pen Pals promotes international friendship and cultural understanding between young people around the world. Students in grades 4 through college are invited to request an overseas pen pal. Teachers may request a brochure on class participation. Contact: WPP, PO Box 337, Saugerties, NY 12477; (914) 246- 7828.

Open dates—Student videos: CNN Newsroom & WorldView, Turner Broadcasting’s news and features program for schools, airs student-produced videos. Students may submit reports of no more than 2½ minutes on any topic, although they are encouraged to focus on CNN’s monthly themes. Participation is open to schools enrolled in the CNN Newsroom & WorldView classroom program. Contact: CNN Newsroom Program, 1 CNN Center, PO Box 105366, Atlanta, GA 30348-5366; (800) 344-6219; Web site:

A version of this article appeared in the January 31, 2001 edition of Education Week


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