Funding for this series is provided in part by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Ford Foundation.
Stories include:
Sept. 27, 2000: While the number and diversity of school-age children will grow, they will represent a smaller proportion of the total U.S. population.
Oct. 18, 2000: As suburbs creep farther outward from the nation’s cities, schools in the inner and outer rings will face new and disparate challenges.
Nov. 8, 2000: Schools will have to adjust as Hispanic immigrants fan out to areas beyond those where they have traditionally settled.
Nov. 29, 2000: In more than half the states, at least one in five residents will be 65 or older in 2025. This aging of the population will raise new issues for educators.
Dec. 13, 2000: Child poverty will continue to challenge educators, as the ranks of working, but still poor, families swell.