JHS Teacher finds she takes offense when acquaintences talk reverently about her choice of profession, suggesting it’s a kind of noble sacrifice:
I really hate that. I know, most people think they're giving me a compliment, but what's going on underneath is that idea that teachers are a special breed. One that gets its satisfaction not from money or wealth, but from doing good deeds in the world. By thinking of teaching as a "calling" rather than a profession, we are more put into the ranks of nuns and missionaries, rather than highly trained professionals. Isn't there a vow of poverty that most people "called" to the church take? I didn't take any such vow.
True, she loves her job and believes in the work she does, but …
Just because I like my job, and it engages me, does that mean I have to give up the financial rewards other professionals earn in other careers?
Where does it say that one doesn't have to make as much money if one has a job one believes in?
(From Junior High School Teacher.)