If you’re a principal, the University of Minnesota wants you to start your own blog. The university’s Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education or CASTLE was created to boost the number of administrators who know how to use technology in their schools and districts. Now CASTLE has started the Principal Blogging Project to encourage school leaders to create their own blogs to share news and events with the community, to market their schools, and to build community investment. Their goal is to get 100 principals blogging in 100 days. You can view existing principal blogs here.
If you’re a teacher and want to set up your own blog, David Warlick, author of the book Classroom Blogging recommends several sites that are aimed at helping teachers set up their own classroom blogs, including epals.com, gaggle.net, imbee.com, and elgg.org. Mr. Warlick’s own site, Class Blogmeister, hosts some classroom blogs as well.