In 2013, Education Week embarked on an endeavor to find and highlight the best K-12 school district leaders in the country.
Through that work, we came across Tiffany Anderson, Dennis Creedon, and Valeria Silva and recognized them as Leaders To Learn From.
Tiffany Anderson is the superintendent of the Jennings School District in Jennings, Mo. Her specialty in Jennings—a majority African-American, low-income community next door to Ferguson—has been confronting the impacts of poverty. (She’s now headed to Kansas to lead Topeka schools.)
Dennis W. Creedon is the superintendent in the Mahopac Central school district in upstate New York. He’s taken on the challenge of empowering teachers, better integrating technology, and building teacher-developed assessments.
Born and raised in Chile, Valeria Silva—superintendent of St. Paul, Minn., schools—has brought her unique perspective as an immigrant and English-language learner to her district.
In this video from Education Week‘s recent live event, they share insights and learnings from the years they’ve spent as districts leaders.
Want to hear from more district leaders who are seizing on good ideas and executing them in their school systems? Check out these other panels from the event:
Indianapolis Superintendent Lewis Ferebee: Relationships With Charters Don’t Have to Be Contentious
Evaluations That Make Teachers Feel ‘Empowered Not Exposed': A Discussion With Renee Pryor
Farmington, Ill., Superintendent John Asplund on His Innovative School-Leadership Approach
Superintendent Matt Akin on His Rural, Alabama District’s Tech. Investments
Building Bridges Between Schools and Families: A Discussion With D’Lisa Crain
Cultivating Excellent Principals: A Discussion With Tulsa’s Julio César Contreras