Ever wonder about the role of online learning in other countries? Well, you need not look too far to find out. The International Association for K-12 Online Learning, or iNACOL, has released the third edition of its report on online learning in Canada, titled “State of the Nation: K-12 Online Learning in Canada.”
There is online learning available in some form in all thirteen territories and provinces in Canada. The author of the report, Michael Barbour from Wayne State University, says, “K-12 online learning has historically been viewed as a substitute to be used when face-to-face learning is not available, particularly for students in rural areas.” About three percent of Canadian students are distance learners, usually because they are located in isolated, rural communities.
The report includes several policy briefs about different initiatives going on in the country, such as online professional development for teachers; a technology initiative to connect students in northern, rural areas who would otherwise have to leave their communities to attend school; and blended learning in the Calgary Catholic School District (the government provides funding for both public and Catholic schools in Canada). Lastly, there is a breakdown of e-learning activities for each region of Canada.