“A growth mindset is not a panacea, but it does empower kids and help them learn.” - Carol Dweck, psychologist and author
“How can we give students back their zest for learning?”
That’s what Carol Dweck says her work is all about.
The Stanford University professor and author of “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” is renowned for her research that shows individuals with a “growth mindset” — an understanding that their talent and abilities are not “fixed” and can be developed — are more likely to achieve.
Her work has gained traction and led many educators to rethink the way they teach. But, says Dweck, misunderstandings abound about growth mindsets.
Dweck shared findings from her latest mindset research and debunked those misunderstandings in a speech at Education Week‘s Leaders to Learn From event in Washington on March 11.
She also elaborated on ways to transmit a growth mindset from adults to children. (Tip: Don’t just praise a child’s effort, but tie that effort to learning and progress.)
“Someone asked me recently, ‘What keeps you up at night?’ ... It’s the fear that my work, which grew up to counter the failed self-esteem movement, will be used for the same purpose — trying to make kids feel good but losing sight of learning.”
Following her presentation, Dweck sat down with Education Week’s Editor-in-Chief Virginia B. Edwards for a Q&A and also took questions from the audience.