Early May will bring two free webinars with discussions expected to touch on how school districts can implement the common core state standards for English-language learners.
I’m moderating one of them, which focuses on how to improve literacy for English-language learners. It’s scheduled for May 4, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., Eastern time. Guests are Diane August, a senior researcher at the Center for Applied Linguistics, and Gabriela Uro, the manager of ELL policy and research for the Washington-based Council of the Great City Schools. Both guests plan to address the fact that many school districts are thinking about how to improve literacy instruction for ELLs in a context of how they will carry out the common core state standards. It’s sponsored by Imagine Learning.
The next day, May 5, Kenji Hakuta, an education professor at Stanford University, will be the guest for a webinar focused on how school districts can improve the performance of English-language learners. The webinar, “Preparing English-Language Learners for Common Core,” is scheduled for 2 p.m., Eastern time. A second guest for that live event is Mark Atkinson, the founder of Teachscape, which is hosting the webinar.