A couple of midweek standards-and-curriculum tidbits for you:
Those of you who are intrigued by the fuzzy conversations about curriculum for the common standards might appreciate this rumination on the situation by Patrick Riccards over at the Eduflack blog. He asks some questions about the line between standards and curriculum, and takes us to ASCDEdge, which poses a series of questions sparked by our story on what people mean when they talk about “curriculum” for the common standards.
And in California, some are saying that the common core adoption could lead to more textbook choices. But when? Just the other day, we were hearing that the state legislature had messed with California’s textbook adoption procedures and timeline, and it looked like it could be a dog’s year until the state would be able to adopt new materials. (Remember that California is one of the 20-odd “adoption” states that specify what textbooks districts can use.) There’s a move afoot in the state legislature to address this big bump in the road. But in the meantime, the state appears to be on a schedule that brings assessments on the new standards closer, without the updated instructional materials needed to get students ready.