
Texas Gov. Signs Law Making High School Graduation Easier

By Catherine Gewertz — May 12, 2015 1 min read
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It’s final: Texas has a new law that will allow students to graduate from high school by passing three end-of-course exams, instead of five. It marks the second time in just a few years that Texas has rolled back graduation requirements.

Gov. Greg Abbott signed the measure on Monday, according to the Dallas Morning News. As we’ve reported to you, the measure got strong support in the Texas legislature.

The new law, Senate Bill 149, takes effect with this year’s graduating class, allowing an estimated 28,000 high school seniors to graduate who otherwise might have been denied diplomas.

In addition to passing three of the five end-of-course tests, students will have to pass their core classes. Those who can’t pass the three tests can still get diplomas by demonstrating in other ways that they’ve mastered the required skills. A school-based “graduation committee” made up of teachers, parents, and administrators would decide such cases.

See also:

A version of this news article first appeared in the Curriculum Matters blog.