Graduation day isn’t seen as a time for celebration for many students with disabilities, says an article by the Associated Press.
During their public school years, children with disabilities are entitled to a menu of special services, such as music or occupational therapy, extra reading help and door-to-door transportation. The law also requires they be given an Individualized Education Program, a blueprint tailored to their needs with involvement from educators and parents. It's a comforting safety net that often ends abruptly when students leave school. They might get help securing a job, enrolling in a technical school or giving college a try. But it's just as likely they won't, says Karen Leggett of Silver Spring, Md., who leads a group trying to improve the transition out of high school for students with disabilities.
The article refers to the federal government’s evaluation of states on their programs for students with disabilities; transition programming is part of the evaluation process. You can read more about how states did on these evaluations here.