A software company that makes learning materials for English-language learners will host a free webinar about how to use a framework of response to intervention with English-language learners. With RTI, educators use several levels of interventions with struggling learners. The webinar, “Diversity or Disability? Finding the Right Intervention for Your English Learners,” is scheduled for April 21, 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., Eastern time [April 15 Update on the time]. The webinar is open for registration.
I draw your attention to this webinar, sponsored by Imagine Learning, because it addresses one of the issues that attracts the most readership on this blog: how to determine whether a student has a language barrier or a disability. This topic was also explored recently in the quarterly newsletter of the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition.
Imagine Learning, by the way, is also set to sponsor a free webinar here at EdWeek on May 4 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., Eastern time.
The topic will be how to improve literacy for English-language learners. It will focus on how some school districts are aiming to be more consistent in how they provide literacy instruction for ELLs. I’ll be the moderator and I’ve invited Diane August, a senior research scientist with the Center for Applied Linguistics, and Gabriela Uro, the manager of ELL policy and research for the Washington-based Council of the Great City Schools, to be guests.
April 15 Update: I corrected the time for the first webinar mentioned from my earlier post.