English Learners

National Center to Host Chat on RTI and English-Learners

By Mary Ann Zehr — March 30, 2011 1 min read
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The National Center on Response to Intervention is hosting a chat today on one of the hottest topics discussed on this blog, how to implement response to intervention for English-language learners.

The chat is scheduled for 2 to 3 p.m. Eastern time, today. Marcela Movit will discuss considerations for screening, progress monitoring, implementing several tiers of interventions, and making decisions for ELLs. She’s a research analyst who is developing an ELL workgroup for the center. Recently the center hosted a webinar on the same topic.

To participate in the live chat, you can go to the center’s web site and click on “Join our Live Chat.” But those words won’t appear on the web site until 15 minutes before the chat starts. If you’d like to submit questions ahead of time, send an email to RTIWebinars@air.org.

The center has also posted a video on considerations for ELLs in an RTI framework by Alfredo J. Artiles, a professor of culture, society, and education at Arizona State University, Tempe. He notes in the video that once ELLs are placed in special education, typically language services to them are significantly pared back.

I wrote an in-depth story about RTI, a multi-tiered approach to supporting struggling students, and English-language learners for Education Week about a year ago. EdWeek also just published a special report that explored many different facets of implementation of the education approach.

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A version of this news article first appeared in the Learning the Language blog.