Here are a few more things for the Friday Roundup:
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has issued a new series of books that present research findings to improve math instruction in schools. They’re written to be brief and direct, with answers to common questions from educators provided in plain language.
The Arts
The nonprofit group Dramatic Results just announced that it hsa been awarded a $1.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to provide arts education for disadvantaged students in the Long Beach Unified school district in California. Meanwhile, the Wolftrap Center for the Performing Arts, just outside Washington, D.C. (in Vienna, Va.), is launching an Early Childhood STEM Learning Through the Arts program with $1.15 million from the Education Department. I have not seen a full list of grant recipients, but both of these grants are under the federal agency’s Arts Education Model Development and Dissemination grant program.
Financial Literacy
The Actuarial Foundation will provide free of charge 10,000 individual sets of “Building Your Future,” a financial literacy curriculum, to high school teachers across the country. The curriculum aims to help students master the basics of personal finance and prepare them for life after graduation. The effort has financial backing from The New York Life Foundation.
Book Banning (that’s right!)
A school board in southwest Missouri has voted to keep in place a recent ban of a National Book Award-winning novel about a Native American boy after hearing from parents who object to its strong language and sexual imagery, reports the Associated Press. The Stockton School Board voted 7-0 Wednesday to continue the ban on The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.
I’m sure there’s lots more to catch up on, but hey, it’s Friday afternoon, so I’ll stop there.