The common-standards movement lands another big one today: the California board of education voted unanimously to adopt the new set of academic expectations.
Yes, yes, I know I just got finished telling you seconds ago that Colorado had adopted them today, too. But don’t say we didn’t warn you.
We’ve been telling you until you are bored stiff that any state that won a Race to the Top grant—or is still in the running to get one—has to be mindful of the Aug. 2 deadline. As of late last week, we still had a few states that were either Round 1 winners or Round 2 finalists and hadn’t adopted.
Then Tennessee adopted on Friday, and Colorado and California adopted today. That means that the only one of the 21 RTT winners or finalists that hasn’t yet adopted the common standards is Delaware. It’s planning a vote for Aug. 19.
You might want to check here and here for our blog items about the dissent among members of the special California commission that reviewed the common standards for the board, and what they ultimately decided to do.
For those of you who have bonded with our little standards map, here is the state of affairs as of now: