Standards Chat

Chat: Accommodations and the Common-Core Assessments

Accessibility experts discusses the support features available on forthcoming common-core tests and how they will change the testing experience for students with special needs and English learners.

Accommodations and the Common-Core Assessments

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Thursday, May 29, 2014, 3 to 4 p.m. ET
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Accommodations and the Common-Core Assessments

Thursday, May 29, 2014, 3 to 4 p.m. ET

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The common-core tests being developed by two state consortia—PARCC and Smarter Balanced—offer the promise of more inclusion and self-sufficiency for students with special needs and English-language learners. However, the two assessment groups have chosen to offer some critical accommodations quite differently—most notably the read-aloud accommodation, also known as text-to-speech.

In this chat, accessibility experts who have worked on the consortia’s common-core assessments answered questions about the support features available and how they’re best used for students with special needs and ELLs. They also discussed the many ways the computer-based exams will change the testing experience for students and improvements they hope to make down the road.

Magda Chia, director, system design, and director, support for under-represented students, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium

Tamara Reavis, senior adviser for assessment, accessibility, and equity at PARCC, the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers

Liana Heitin (@LianaHeitin), assistant editor, Education Week will moderate this chat.

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