In an effort to improve their students’ standardized test scores, a school in New London, Conn., has hired three behavior specialists to help reduce classroom disruptions.
The Day, which covers the New London area, reports that the role of these specialists is to “assist teachers by removing disruptive students from the classroom so others can continue to learn, and then returning the student to the class with a calmer attitude and a redirected outlook.” According to the paper, the school is already experiencing a decrease in disruptive student behavior from this time last year.
An English teacher at the school commented that since the arrival of the specialists, the school’s learning environment has become “healthier and safer,” and students have become more relaxed and engaged. One student who had been sent to one of the specialists told the paper that she appreciated the change. The specialists “talk things out with you, rather than last year, when a teacher would send you straight to the office where people will be angry with you for taking up their time,” she said, “or they may not have the time to deal with you at all so you just sit there.
Do any of you, our teacher readers, have behavior specialists on hand at your schools? Would this be a good use of school funds, in your opinion?