
Downloadable research reports on topics currently facing the education industry with findings, success stories, and best practices
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Student Achievement Whitepaper
The Impact of Esports on Student Achievement
Discover the exciting world of esports in education, where the thrill of gaming meets valuable life skills.
Content provided by ASUS Education
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Teaching Whitepaper
Saving Teachers' Time With Al: 3 Must-Try Solutions
AI is reshaping education, bringing efficiency and innovation to classrooms worldwide.
Content provided by Blocksi
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Student Achievement Whitepaper
6 Mindsets to Accelerate Learning for All Students
This article outlines six mindsets to help educators shift from remediation to acceleration, which allows priority students to catch up w...
Content provided by Solution Tree
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College & Workforce Readiness Whitepaper
Driving Student Success with Career-Connected Learning
This white paper explores the strategies and tools districts across the U.S. are using to provide students with meaningful learning oppor...
Content provided by Defined
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Teaching Profession Whitepaper
Is Teacher Morale on the Rise? Results of the Second Annual Merrimack College Teacher Survey
Results of the second annual Merrimack College Teacher Survey suggest that teacher morale is on the rebound as schools emerge from the gr...
Content provided by Merrimack College
Budget & Finance Whitepaper Teacher & Administrator Perceptions About K-12 Education Finance
Results of the first annual Allovue Education Finance Survey suggest that education professionals have varying experiences, views, and gaps in knowledge related to key issues in K-12 education finance. This whitepaper highlights findings.
April 18, 2023
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Teaching Profession Whitepaper
Today’s Teachers Are Deeply Disillusioned, Survey Data Confirms
The results of the first annual Merrimack College Teacher Survey are in, and they paint a stark picture of today’s teachers.
Content provided by Merrimack College