Thanks to DAD for recording and uploading these NCLB excerpts from last night’s debate, which include Bill Richardson slamming the law for, among other things, taking money away from low-performing schools and districts (huh?), Joe Biden channeling Paul Wellstone and calling it a mistake, and Chris Dodd jumping in at the end to protect his buddy Ted by saying we should get NCLB right but not abandon it (NCLB: Scrap, Keep or Punt until 08?):
No Clinton or Obama or Edwards footage, alas.
Here’s the video question that prompted these responses, which uses a whiteboard and some really bad heavy metal music to make its point:
Meanwhile, EdIn'08 again castigates the candidates for not focusing enough on education -- though perhaps their real beef is with CNN and YouTube for not airing enough education questions: “More questions were submitted about education than on any other issue. Like their Republican counterparts, the Democrats have given nothing but lip service - and not much at that - on education. Never have so many said so little about something that means so much. This is a dramatic failure of leadership...The candidates’ failure to offer courageous and bold leadership on education is a failure for students throughout the country.”