Our students need to be college, career , and citizenship ready. There is no better opportunity to teach our students the core of citizenship in a democracy than to involve them in the election process. Voting is a fundamental right and should be exercised by everyone. Let’s create the behavior pattern of voting by letting our students participate in this important election. The Pearson Foundation has made it easy. Please read below and get involved. Also, please share this information with every teacher you know.
Vote Now! The My Voice National Mock Election Extended to November 6th
To accommodate voters in regions affected by Hurricane Sandy, the voting in the My Voice National Student Mock Election has been extended through 8pm PST on Tuesday, November 6.
Students age kindergarten through college can now cast their vote for the 2012 election online at http://www.nationalmockelection.org.
The My Voice National Student Mock Election is the nation’s largest civic education project and the world’s largest national mock election. Over the past three decades, more than 50 million votes have been cast in classrooms across the United States. This year’s voting began on October 25 and will now culminate on the National Mock Election day, November 6.
The aim of the My Voice National Student Mock Election is to encourage young people to share their opinions and concerns about national topics, social issues, education, and their communities. In addition to voting, educators and students who make use of the My Election Poll have access to a wide array of resources including lesson plans, educational games, sample ballots, videos, polling and more.
Become part of the electoral process - Vote Now!
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