
Librarians Weigh In on U.S. Ed-Tech Plan

By Katie Ash — May 18, 2010 1 min read
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The American Library Association recently filed their comments on the U.S. Department of Education’s National Education Technology Plan. The document submitted by the ALA outlines the role that libraries, both in schools and public libraries, play in helping reach the goals outlined by the plan.

“School libraries are an important resource that should be leveraged as recommendations in the NETP are acted upon at the state and local level,” says the document. “Libraries of all types are products of their local communities and are well versed in identifying and responding to the unique needs of their respective host institutions and communities. In addition to being versed in local concerns, school librarians are at the forefront of creative, meaningful, ethical, and innovative technology integration in many schools throughout the country.”

The recommendations also outline some specific examples of the way libraries around the country have integrated technology to help improve education. They also respond specifically to the learning, teaching, infrastructure, and productivity sections of the NETP.

The whole thing is pretty interesting and worth a read. Check out the full text here.

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A version of this news article first appeared in the Digital Education blog.