Juan Sepúlveda, the director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, spent a good part of the last year and a half visiting communities and seeking advice on how education could be improved for Latino students.

One of the messages he heard during his travels is that educators and Latino advocates in communities want to see federal officials take action, as I heard him say at a summit on Hispanic education hosted by the initiative in October. One of his staffers later clarified to me that they don’t want to simply see more federal reports. For more on the summit see the article I wrote for Education Week about it.
Sepúlveda will be the guest for a live Web chat hosted by Education Week on Dec. 16 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., Eastern time, to talk more about how the federal government can work with communities to improve achievement among Latinos. President Obama signed an executive order on Oct. 19 to support that effort as well. I’ll be the moderator for the chat. You can sign up for a reminder now. On the day of the chat, you can use the same link to submit questions. I encourage you to submit some questions or comments about how schooling for English-language learners can be improved.
For those of you who can’t participate live, a transcript will be available soon after the chat.