This is the debate before the debate.
Two key education advisers are facing off tonight in a debate at Teachers College, Columbia University, which is being co-sponsored by Education Week. You can watch it online at 7 p.m. by signing up here.
In President Barack Obama’s corner is Jon Schnur, an education adviser to President Obama who co-founded New Leaders for New Schools and has more recently started America Achieves.
Representing Republican challenger Mitt Romney is Phil Handy, the former chairman of the Florida State Board of Education and the higher education co-chair for the campaign.
Post-game analysis will be provided by our own Alyson Klein, who will be joined by Jeffrey Henig, professor of political science and education at Teachers College and a professor of political science at Columbia University, and Liz Willen, editor of the Hechinger Report. EdWeek’s government and politics editor, Mark Bomster, will moderate.
Will Schnur and Handy address many of the questions that went unanswered during last week’s vice-presidential debate? And will they offer us a preview of what’s to come from tomorrow’s town hall debate, the second meeting of the presidential candidates? Stay tuned.