The Obama transition finally confirmed the obvious: Linda Darling-Hammond is their key point person on education.
In a press release just sent out, the Obama team announced that Darling-Hammond (who just three days ago told me she was “just an adviser”) is the Policy Working Group Leader for education. View the complete list of working groups here.
Unlike some other working groups, which are being led by a duo or trio of people, Darling-Hammond will be flying solo. She’s also among some pretty elite people, including former Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle (who is leading the health care group) and some folks who served with President Bill Clinton. (UPDATE: Daschle is now said to be the nominee for health and human services secretary. Read into that what you will...)
The goal of these groups, according to the transition, is “to develop the priority policy proposals and plans from the Obama Campaign for action during the Obama-Biden Administration.”
You can read more about what Darling-Hammond has said in the last few days about Obama and his education plans here and here.