
Common Core Rattles and Rolls in Nebraska, Kansas, Alabama

By Catherine Gewertz — March 15, 2013 1 min read
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Well, well, well. Could it be that the oft-cited total on common-core adoption—"all but four states"—is about to change? Could one of the holdouts be on the verge of changing its mind?

According to local news reports, the Nebraska board of education has voted to pay for a comparison of its current standards to the Common Core State Standards. This coincides with the state’s upcoming five-year review cycle for its own standards.

Over in Kansas, the state board is getting its dander up over the common core. Ticked off that the House education committee is entertaining a bill that would undo that state’s adoption, the Kansas board has decided to fire off letters to lawmakers and to the governor, noting that the state constitution endows them—not the legislature—with the power to adopt academic standards.

Alabama has seen a good deal of tumult over the common core recently, as my colleague Andrew Ujifusa has reported to you over at the State EdWatch blog. But the most recent push in Alabama to unravel those standards failed by the narrowest of margins earlier this week. But that was in the Senate; another bill is still live in the Alabama House.

A version of this news article first appeared in the Curriculum Matters blog.