Education Week launched a convention blitz by sending two teams of reporters to the Democratic and Republican conventions, armed with smartphones, laptops, video, and still cameras, with the goal being to deliver engaging, up-to-the-minute, and useful news . Response from readers was terrific, as gauged by the numerous comments we got.
A sampling of the best reader comments from the convention:
“Parents do have a choice. They elect a school board and can run for that office. Don’t slay public education. It is the glue that holds education together.” -- Don, John McCain Talks a Good Game on School Choice.
“McCain says he will reward good teachers. He’s a senator right now. Why can’t he push that idea through at this moment?” -- Lorraine, McCain Calls for School Choice and Shakeup of Education Bureaucracy.
“I find this very amusing that just because she [Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin] was part of the PTA people assume that she understands school policies. It may make her a qualified fundraiser but anyone can sell skittles at a table in the front hall of the school.” -- Paul, Delegates Praise Palin’s Grace and Grit.
“I am also disappointed that Obama is parroting the mantra of the so-called reformers, ‘higher standards and accountability.’ I don’t know about your state, but I think in my state, the higher standards are there. That’s not the problem.” -- Diane, Obama: Education is a ‘Moral Obligation’.
“The two biggest impediments to public education were the creation of the U.S. Dept. of Education and the founding of the NEA.” -- Bob, ‘New’ Voice Speaks About Teachers at Convention.
“I’m a life long Democrat who believes that my party still doesn’t understand that we can recruit great teachers to the schools that need them most, but we must, simultaneously, offer the highest quality professional learning for those already teaching.” -- Ellin, ‘New’ Voice Speaks About Teachers at Convention.
“If teachers are not to blame for the sorry state of inner city education then maybe it is the urban Democratic mayors and other elected officials who are responsible.” -- Rich, Union Tensions at DNC.
“She’s awesome.” -- Kerry on Sen. Hillary Clinton, AFT Delegates Back Obama Even If They’d Rather Vote for Clinton.