Equity & Diversity Opinion

Valuable Survey on Blue Collar Whites

By Richard Whitmire — February 22, 2011 1 min read
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This is one of the most under-reported stories in the country. In Britain, where are gender gaps are mirrored, the declining fortunes of working class whites is a top story. But not in this country.

The Washington Post today contributes some valuable polling data about this group, one of the most pessimistic in the country.

From the article:

A mere 10 percent of whites without college degrees say they are satisfied with the nation's current economic situation. Most - 56 percent - say the country's best days are in the past, and more, 61 percent, say it will be a long time before the economy begins to recover. Fully 43 percent of non-college whites say "hard work and determination are no guarantees of success," and nearly half doubt that they have enough education and skills to compete in the job market.

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