School Climate & Safety Opinion

Models of Excellence: Teaching Tolerance’s 2016 Winners

By Christina Torres — July 28, 2016 1 min read
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July is winding down to a close, and some of us are preparing to re-enter our classrooms. Even if you’re not, you may have had enough of a break to begin wondering, What will I do next year?

As we begin to map out the journey we will take with students this year, I highly recommend watching Teaching Tolerance’s playlist from their 2016 Excellence in Teaching winners. Each of them is a unique and powerful voice, and as an educator, I learned a lot just by hearing about their perspectives and their practice. I especially appreciated Cody Miller’s focus on humanity and that our work is “a living, breathing entity and I think that it has to be made with teachers and students in mind. So much power happens in talk.”

Watch more here.

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