The Society for Neuroscience instituted a new award for high school students, after an “unprecedented” number of secondary students entered the group’s brain-awareness video contest this year.
The first winners are Yash Patel, Michelle Goffreda, Robby Vasen, and Kat Lin, from High Technology High School in New Jersey, for their presentation on neuroglia (seen above), the cells that create the myelin sheath to support and protect neurons in the brain. They sent the video with one of the society’s members, Jessica Roland, a medical writer at Hospicom, Inc. Nearly a third of all the 2013 contest submissions came from high schools.
The students will receive a tour of a neuroscience laboratory and will be honored at the society’s research conference later this fall. The contest is part of the Brain Awareness Week held each March, in which researchers work with schools and community groups. I’ve written about some of the previous projects here.
You can see more winners and vote for a “people’s choice” video here.