In news somewhat related to my previous blog post...
Both Harlem Childrens’ Zone founder Geoffrey Canada and former D.C. schools chancellor Michelle Rhee made the 2011 TIME 100, a list of the year’s most influential people.
It’s interesting to note that Canada’s profile was guest written by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. Rhee’s, on the other hand, was written by Davis Guggenheim, who directed the controversial documentary “Waiting for ‘Superman’,” which both Rhee and Canada starred in.
It seems Canada, at this point, is a less divisive character for Duncan to sing the praises of (especially considering the recent allegations about cheating in D.C.). Though I have to say, I’ve seen Canada speak before and he certainly draws a hard line between “us” (whom he sees as those working for change in the public schools) and “them” (the teachers’ unions). But Duncan steers clear of that debate in his contribution, praising Canada for turning a pilot project that spanned one block into a program that “covers 100 city blocks and serves 8,000 kids, providing not just a good education but also early-childhood programs, after-school services and guidance to help parents.”