Have you read the February 2012 article releasing the ratings of over 18,000 New York City teachers? Did you know that similar controversy exists in California over whether teacher ratings should be public knowledge?
Although it is not possible to be up to date on every piece of news related to your career that hits the media outlets across our country, it is incredibly important for you to keep abreast of trends and newsworthy items for discussion in interviews. In addition to educators who can differentiate instruction; integrate common core standards; build rapport with students and parents; and utilize data to make recommendations on instructional strategies, employers seek candidates who have an awareness of what is happening in the world.
You never know what employers will ask. You may be asked to share your thoughts directly or it may happen more organically in conversation; however you should come to interviews ready to share your thoughts on what is happening today. Utilize the technology that surrounds you to browse headlines daily; investigate those articles and stories of particular meaning and interest; follow Twitter feeds in your industry.
Be prepared to answer questions like, “What are your thoughts on the recent Tennessee legislation that protects teachers who allow students in their classrooms to criticize evolution?”
Joni O’Hagan
Senior Associate Director, Career Center
St. John’s University