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Curriculum Guides for Professional Learning

Professional learning guides can be a great resource for self paced learning or used within a professional learning community.
Learning Gaps
⏰ About 5 hours

Resources to help students recover from learning loss.
Illustration of two individuals walking across valley. One walking easily across a bridge and the other walking a tightrope.
iStock/Getty Images Plus
Social-Emotional Learning
⏰ About 5 hours

SEL best practices and real-world case studies.
Professional person at desk, low battery symbol above head, slumped over from stress.
Liz Yap/Education Week/iStock/Getty
Reading Instruction
Over 6 hours

Science of reading, helping struggling readers, and more.
Stack of library books with two blurred people in the background.
Race & School Culture
About 6 hours

Resources to support K-12 equity and diversity.
Image of silhouette cutouts in a variety of colors and genders.
Emerging AI Technology
About 2 hours

Everything you need to know about AI, including ChatGPT.
AI Education concept in blue: A robot hand holding a pencil.
School Safety
⏰ About 4 hours

School shootings, trauma, mental health, and more.
Photograph of closed lockers in a school hallway, in the distance a there is a blurry figure.
Drew Bloksberg/iStock/Getty
New Teachers
About 4 hours

Support for new teachers, with tips for administrators.
Monochromatic image of items on a teacher's desk, with vivid color on an apple and a plant.
Laura Baker/Education Week and Irina Strelnikova/iStock/Getty
About 5 hours

Math fluency, teaching math to ELL students, and more.
Vector illustration showing a male and two females carrying large numbers and math symbols.
Student Mental Health & Wellness
About 4 hours

Strategies for supporting student mental health.
Image of a sad girl in the shadows
iStock/Getty Images Plus
College & Workforce Readiness
About 4 hours

Preparing students for higher ed and future careers.
Warren County High School seniors Alex Yates, left, and David Romero work on an assembly line machine in a mechatronics class in McMinnville, Tenn. The technology skills they learn in the class help prepare them for jobs in the area’s booming automotive industry.
Warren County High School seniors Alex Yates, left, and David Romero work on an assembly line machine in a mechatronics class in McMinnville, Tenn. The technology skills they learn in the class help prepare them for jobs in the area’s booming automotive industry.
Joe Buglewicz for Education Week
Recruitment & Retention
About 3.5 hours

Combat staffing shortages.
K12 Faculty GOS
Classroom Management & Student Engagement
About 3.5 hours

Leading your classroom & engaging students.
 Back view of a male teacher in classroom lecturing to elementary school students.
Everything You Need to Know About the Science of Reading
About 4.5 hours

Explore evidence-based methods to teach reading.
Surreal view as a young woman student sits on the top of a huge pile of books holding a spyglass looking far at horizon. Adventure concept, as airplane and hot air balloon fly out of the magic book.
Bulat Silvia/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Professional Development For Teachers
⏰ About 4 hours

Empower and inspire educators through effective PD.
Two female teachers in a school hallway having a discussion.
AI & Classroom Technology: Essential Insights for PD
⏰ About 4 hours

Explore the latest on AI and K-12 technology.
School & District Management
⏰ About 6 hours

Navigate today's school and district management landscape.
Kim S. Burke, the principal at J.C. Nalle Elementary School in the District of Columbia, shows enthusiasm during an open house to explain blended learning software to teachers and leaders from other schools, as Kevin Wenzel, blended learning specialist for the school system, watches.
Kim S. Burke, the principal at J.C. Nalle Elementary School in the District of Columbia, shows enthusiasm during an open house to explain blended learning software to teachers and leaders from other schools, as Kevin Wenzel, blended learning specialist for the school system, watches.
Photo by Eric Kruszewski for Education Week
New Teachers (Updated)
⏰ About 4 hours

Essential PD for new educators.
Image of a teacher in a classroom full of kids.
Assessment & Competency-Based Learning
⏰ About 3.5 hours

Unlock practical strategies to measure student success.
A+ in chalk on a traditional blackboard.
Special Education
⏰ About 3 hours

Must-have tools and resources to support diverse learners.
Birch Academy Students Randy Gamez (cq), left,  and  Ashlee (cq) Garcia, third from left,  walk from art class to gym class with Mt Pleasant High School students, sophomore Veronica Northup, second from left, and senior Deana Clerjuste at Mt. Pleasant High School in Providence, R.I., last week.   The U.S. Justice department, in an investigation, found the former Birch Vocational School in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act as the students were kept segregated and given small jobs. The entire program has been revamped to integrate students with intellectual disabilities into classrooms with typically developing peers. Currently, many of the ancillary classes are integrated.
Birch Academy Students Randy Gamez (cq), left, and Ashlee (cq) Garcia, third from left, walk from art class to gym class with Mt Pleasant High School students, sophomore Veronica Northup, second from left, and senior Deana Clerjuste at Mt. Pleasant High School in Providence, R.I., last week. The U.S. Justice department, in an investigation, found the former Birch Vocational School in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act as the students were kept segregated and given small jobs. The entire program has been revamped to integrate students with intellectual disabilities into classrooms with typically developing peers. Currently, many of the ancillary classes are integrated.
Gretchen Ertl for Education Week
Navigating Difficult Conversations
⏰ About 3 hours

Lead impactful discussions with focus and ease.
Distractions Gartland 1126310757 02
iStock/Getty Images Plus

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