Policymakers and educators methodically track rates for high school graduation, college enrollment, and degree completion. But what else should we know about students to best help them succeed?
Child Trends, a Bethesda, Md.-based nonprofit, nonpartisan research center that examines child and youth issues, has put together information about this year’s high school graduating class that provides additional insight into this new group of young people about to enter college or careers. The organization analyzed data from a variety of federal and other sources to draw a portrait of the high school class of 2013.
Imagining a class of 100, here are some highlights of a statistical profile of this year’s graduating class created by Child Trends:
71 have experienced physical assault.
64 have had sexual intercourse.
51 used no alcohol, cigarettes, or illicit drugs during the past 30 days.
45 get the recommended amount of physical activity.
39 have ever been bullied, physically or emotionally.
34 are overweight; of these, 18 are obese.
29 felt “sad and hopeless” continuously for at least two weeks during the past year.
28 have been victimized sexually.
28 rode in a car during the past year with a driver who had been drinking.
18 have special health-care needs.
17 are current cigarette smokers.
1 or 2 are in foster care.
For the full list (nearly 50 items), go to the organization’s website.