Education Opinion

Why Boys Fail Airs in SoCal

By Richard Whitmire — April 06, 2010 1 min read
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I don’t usually pass along links to radio interviews, but this one gets interesting at the end. Here’s a link to the interview that aired Monday on Southern California public radio, where I appear with Susan McGee Bailey, who wrote the original report from the American Association of University Women about why girls are getting shortchanged in school.

I’m heartened to hear Bailey distance herself from the “pushback” movement that resists doing for boys with literacy what was done for the girls in math/science more than a decade ago. ‘No boys were harmed’ in the considerable effort made to encourage more girls to take advanced math and science classes, and there’s no reason to believe that girls would be harmed in a parallel move to help boys.

The opinions expressed in Why Boys Fail are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.