Education Opinion

Where Should Educational Leadership Authors Publish?

By LeaderTalk Contributor — December 04, 2009 1 min read
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Last month, Scott McLeod and I published an article titled “Where should educational leadership authors publish to get noticed by the top journals in the discipline” in Educational Administration Quarterly. Our purpose was to understand which journals have been recently cited by scholars who publish in the field of educational leadership. We recorded the name and number of occurrences of journals that appeared in the bibliographies of articles published in Educational Administration Quarterly and Journal of School Leadership from 2000-2007. In the article, we compiled a list of the top 25 cited journals. This list is handy because it adds a valuable factor influencing author’s’ choices of journals: a journal’s citation frequency.

Given there are so many option as to where to submit our work in the field of educational leadership, authors need to judiciously choose outlets that both reach the intended audience and have the biggest influence. Submitting your article to a journal where articles are most often cited naturally increases an author’s chance that their article will be noticed. So what are the most cited journals? Here are the top three:

1. Educational Administration Quarterly
2. Journal of School Leadership
3. Phi Delta Kappan

To read the entire article, please see:
Richardson, J. and McLeod, S. (2009). Where should educational leadership authors publish to get noticed by the top journals in the discipline. Educational Administration Quarterly, 45, 4, 631-639.

Jayson W. Richardson
University of North Carolina Wilmington

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