Education Opinion

What To Do About New Orleans?

By Alexander Russo — March 06, 2007 1 min read
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Democrats Propose N.O. Teacher Incentives Times Picayune
As President Bush heads to New Orleans to tour a school and talk about education, House Democrats are preparing to unveil legislation that would pour $250 million into the city\'s hurricane–ravaged school system over the next five years. Via ECS.

New Orleans Faces Teacher Shortage NPR
President Bush visited a charter school in New Orleans Thursday to praise the prominent role the independent schools are playing in the city. Thirty-one of the 56 schools now open there are charters. Both charters and public schools, however, are finding it difficult to recruit enough teachers.

School district scores drop, as expected Shreveport Times
State education officials weren’t surprised or too concerned with a decline in school District Performance Scores released...

Playing School In Katrina’s Wake Tom Paine
While much of New Orleans’ recovery was mired in post-Katrina red tape, anti-government advocates and for-profit education corporations, the Bush Administration rushed in to transform the New Orleans public school system into a market-driven smorgasbord.

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