Are you looking for an easily-accessible and free or reasonably priced way to gather research-based information about gifted learners? These webinars in the coming weeks, many of them presented by widely-recognized experts in the field, are a fabulous option. Additionally, if you can’t watch one “live,” in most cases registration allows you to access it after-the-fact at a later time.
January 30, 7:00 PM Eastern - Unlocking Emergent Talent: Supporting High Achievement of Low-Income, High-Ability Students This FREE webinar, presented by National Association for Gifted Children President Paula Olszewski-Kubilius and Carol Horn of Fairfax County Schools (VA) will discuss findings in NAGC’s recent report of the same title about gifted learners in low-income environments. Among the topics covered will be ways to support high-ability, low-income children, psychosocial issues unique to these learners, and effective models and practices for developing their talent and nurturing their academic success.
February 5, 7:00 PM Pacific - Assisting Gifted Students in Developing Self-Regulation Available through the University of California at Irvine Extension Office, this FREE webinar presented by Richard Cash (private consultant) will focus on assisting young gifted children to develop self-regulation strategies (of emotion and behavior) which will in turn help them reach their full potential.
February 6, 7:00 PM Eastern - Bloom’s Taxonomy as Easy as Pie: Infusing Critical Thinking Within the Common Core Presented by Susan Dulong Langley of Framingham Schools (MA), this NAGC webinar will assist teachers in analyzing essential elements of Common Core standards and thereby developing tiers of instruction to meet the varying learning needs in their classrooms.
February 12, 7:30 PM Eastern - Addressing the Unique Challenges of Culturally Diverse Gifted Learners Presented by Joy Lawson Davis (University of Louisiana, Lafayette), this webinar, brought to you by SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted) will focus on issues faced by underrepresented gifted children and solutions teachers can employ to address the needs of exceptional learners from minority populations.
February 12, 7:00 PM Pacific - Meeting the Needs of the Gifted Learner in the Common Core Classroom Via UC-Irvine, this FREE webinar presented by Rhonda Cameron (Orange County Dept. of Ed., CA) will show teachers ways to fully differentiate the Common Core so as to better meet the learning needs of gifted learners (and all learners).
February 13, 7:00 PM Eastern - Adapting the Writing Common Core for Gifted Learners This NAGC webinar, presented by Claire Hughes of the College of Coastal Georgia and Debra Troxclair of Lamar University (TX), covers information for teachers about how the Common Core English Language Arts standards can be adapted and differentiated for advanced learners in the area of writing. Both presenters are among the authors of NAGC’s new book, “Using the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts With Gifted and Advanced Learners.”
February 19, 7:00 PM Pacific - Making GATE Work Without Funding This FREE UC-Irvine webinar presented by Gina Danley (Santa Maria-Bonita Schools, CA) will provide insights and ideas for how schools and districts can maintain and offer gifted programming in times of lean or disappearing budgets.
February 20, 7:00 PM Eastern - Un"Common” Creativity: Infusing Creative Thinking Across The Common Core Susan Dulong Langley returns for this NAGC webinar full of ideas and strategies for infusing creative thinking skills together with the Common Core.
February 21, 7:30 PM Eastern - Grappling with Giftedness: A Lifelong Challenge A SENG webinar, Ellen Fiedler (Northeastern Illinois University) will share insights about possible unresolved affective issues related to their giftedness that may still be impacting gifted adults. Characteristics of gifted adults and their impact on “giftedness across the lifespan” will also be covered.
February 26, 7:00 PM Pacific - Tech Tools to Differentiate and Engage Gifted Learners This final FREE UC-Irvine webinar, presented by Sean Williams (University of La Verne), highlights various Web 2.0 tools that teachers can use to engage and differentiate their gifted and advanced learners.
[A credit option is also available for the UC-Irvine webinars. Contact Lisa Kadowaki in the UC-Irvine Extension Office for more information. Her email is at the bottom of the 5th Annual GATE Webinar Series Flyer.pdf.]
February 26, 7:30 PM Eastern - Understanding Intensity: Practical Applications for Parents, Teachers, and Counselors This SENGinar, presented by Michele Kane (Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago), is designed to provide insights about the heightened sensitivities and intensities of gifted youth and how the adults in their lives can help them understand and develop their social and emotional aspects.
February 27, 7:00 PM Eastern - Implementing the Common Core State Standards with Various Program Models in Gifted Education Another of NAGC’s spring webinars, join up on this night to learn from Alicia Cotabish (University of Central Arkansas) and Bronwyn MacFarlane (University of Arkansas at Little Rock) about the relationships between gifted program models and the Common Core State Standards. Also included will be examples of how to implement the CCSS in mathematics for gifted learners.
March 13, 7:00 PM Eastern - Creativity and Complexity in Math and Science Presented by Cheryll Adams (Ball State University, IN), this NAGC webinar will offer characteristics of students who are gifted in mathematics and science, along with modifications “to provide more creativity, complexity, depth, and abstractness for students gifted in mathematics and science.”
March 26, 7:30 PM Eastern - Still Gifted After All These Years--Lifespan Intensity and Gifted Adults This final spring SENGinar, presented by Patricia Gatto Walden (Institute of Educational Advancement), will cover innate social and emotional traits of giftedness, misunderstandings that parents and teachers often have regarding them, and ways parents and teachers can nurture gifted children’s health and well-being.
[Many SENGinars offer APA credit for psychologists. Visit this page for more information.]
[SENG is also offering free webinars to 30 U.S. schools this spring. Visit this page for information on how to apply.]
March 27, 7:00 PM Eastern - Educating Primary Gifted Students: Analyzing Nonfiction Books with a Focus on Higher-Level Skill Development This NAGC webinar, presented by Kimberley Chandler (College of William & Mary, VA), examines the use of non-fiction text with primary grade learners and provides strategies for how to assist young learners in analyzing, inferring, and summarizing the information in non-fiction. Extensions for research projects, writing activities, and questioning strategies will also be highlighted.
[Site licenses are available for all NAGC WOW webinars. Visit this page for more information.]
Happy learning, everyone! :o)