We read them so you don’t have to.
In addition to its do-over explanation of where Fordham stands on NCLB (The problem with nuance), this week’s Gadfly includes a fascinating post about a proposed new contest for -- pace, Sara Mead -- really big education ideas (X-cellent!), complaints about the IG’s report and EdWeek’s coverage of the Reading First debacle (The language police), and a thing about how charters and parochial schools compete (Chartering a course to survival), and segments on 100 proficiency in athletics on the Gadfly Show (Forgive me, Father). “If it’s a national standard, we’re for it,” says Petrilli.
Over at the Blast, there are posts about vindicative school board members (DEALING WITH A VINDICTIVE SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER), private vs. public funding (IS IT GOOD FOR EDUCATION FOUNDATIONS TO FUND WHAT TAXES DON’T COVER?), the new “parent in chief” for NYC public schools (NYC HIRES “PARENT IN CHIEF” FOR CITY SCHOOLS), and too-small lockers (STUDENTS SAY SCHOOL LOCKERS ARE TOO SMALL). And, finally, the Blast has an RSS feed.