Education Opinion

Suspending My Campaign Links

By Eduwonkette — November 03, 2008 1 min read
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Many thanks to skoolboy for taking the reigns while I’ve been out of town. In a week, we will return to our regularly scheduled programming, and skoolboy will be back to entertain at the end of the week. In the meantime, consider the following links:

1) Education Advice for the Next President: A motley crew of characters offers their education advice for the next president.

2) Willingham on Evaluating Teachers: It’s not a home video, but Dan Willingham offers his insights about how we shouldn’t evaluate teachers.

3) New York City Research Partnership: If you missed the announcement, NYC’s Research Partnership has hired MDRC rockstar Jim Kemple to head up the effort.

4) The Manga Guide to Statistics: Fun times!

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