Awhile back, I posted a link to a little survey that many of you completed for me. The purpose of today’s post is to update you on the results (as previously promised due to the problem I had getting the survey system to link the results for all of you). I’ve taken screen shots of the results page in my Advanced Survey account and cropped them into individual JPEG images, which you can view below. Thank you to those who took the survey!

I am intrigued that the percentage of parents reading this blog is so high. Granted, since I limited the responses to that question to just one answer per person, the results don’t reflect the number of people who fill more than one role, and that likely is many of you. Still, I’m glad to know that there are so many parents out there reading because it helps me know that I perhaps need to gear things to the parents a little more often!

Interestingly, the results to the above question have changed over time. Initially, when the survey was first posted, the responses to Question #2 were running about 75% “Yes” for subscribing to this blog via RSS or a similar feed -- probably because as subscribers they knew right away that a new post was up, whereas the non-subscribers gradually found it over time.

Even though I did allow multiple selections for the answers to Question #3, most people who responded only chose one or two answers each, hence the low percentages of interested folks for each topic. I’m fairly surprised that there isn’t broader interest for more topics. (Of course, for me they’re all interesting, but I’m also a bit of a geek for this stuff!)

I was disappointed to not hit all 50 states, although there are a couple states not represented that I do know I have readers in because I know people there offline who tell me they read this blog (Alaska, Idaho, and North Dakota, for example). And to the handful of you who claim to be living at Antarctica, I’d be really curious to know why you’re there! (assuming you weren’t just giving a silly response)

Wow, most of you are regular readers. I appreciate knowing I have a consistent audience and I hope I can (continue to?) do my best at offering you interesting, thought-provoking, fairly regular reading. And welcome to the many newbies!
If any of you didn’t take the survey and would like to add your two cents to it, just follow these easy steps:
1. Go to Advanced Survey
2. Type my survey # into the little “Take a Survey” box on the right side of the page. Survey # is 69305.
3. Click “Go” and answer the five easy questions. (*Thank you!!!*)
Have a great week! I’m excited to be heading to St. Louis for the national convention and I hope to see some of you at NAGC this week! :o)