Education Opinion

Roundup Post: Characteristics of Meaningful PD

By Francesca Duffy — June 04, 2012 1 min read
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By guest blogger Leanne Link, communications assistant at the Center for Teaching Quality

Who better to lead conversation around teachers’ PD than the people who have experienced it? In May 2012, seven teachers shared their visions for the future of PD. Here are elements that participants said could make PD particularly effective:

Teacher Ownership: Teachers should have more choice on focus topics, format, and who’s in their PLCs, suggests Delonna Halliday. And when teachers lead their peers in PD, colleagues listen, Sarah Brown Wessling emphasizes.

Social Media: Meenoo Rami and Jennie Magiera find professional inspiration from colleagues on Twitter (and via Twitter chats).

Professional Learning Networks: Jennifer Barnett explains why her PLN is her most valuable form of PD—and how to persuade colleagues and schools to get on board.

Self-Reflection: Teachers need time and space to reflect on their own needs and experiences, says Jessica Shyu.

New Models: Jessica Hahn describes her positive experience with an education book club in her district. Meenoo Rami encourages teachers to participate in an edcamp.

Hybrid Roles: Sarah Brown Wessling shares what she learned from her year as a part-time classroom teacher and part-time PD instructor.

Virtual Spaces: Even when conducting PD in person, giving teachers a chance to follow up and reflect on blogs and wikis can complement live interaction, says Jennie Magiera.

Add your comments to the bloggers’ posts below—and make sure to join us next month, when participants discussed extended learning opportunities.

—Leanne Link

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