There are charter schools everywhere in LA, it seems -- over 100 and no state cap, I’m told -- including the Oscar De La Hoya High School across the street from the hotel. It’s one of those newfangled Green Dot charters where the teachers are union. Wonder if I can watch the big fight over there with them on Saturday night?
In the hotel lobby: A clean-cut guy reading “How To Bulletproof School Choice,” reporters and PR folks wandering through looking for food, EWA staffers running around setting things up (apparently the Governator is coming, along with Spellings, Art Levine, Eli Broad and Roy Romer), someone doing a phone interview in a loud voice (we can all hear you).
As with most conferences, there are two or three subplots and strands -- Board members meeting to discuss the organization and plan for its future, reporters new and old learning about education issues, and PR and communications folks (called “associates” here) learning how to talk to reporters. Me, I’m here to learn how to write -- can’t anyone teach me how to do that? The smart and ambitious among us are also doing interviews and visiting schools.