The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has been working hard to get feedback from teachers and administrators on the new draft National Educational Standards for Administrators (NETS*A). The Draft Nets are available at
The full kit of evaluation materials is available at
You are invited to do the process potlined in the toolkit and submit your comments at
NETS*A Survey
I have been fortunate to lead two such sessions so far, one in Nanjing, China this last Summer with Administrators from all over the world, and one this last week with teachers and administrators at the National Science Teachers Association in New Orleans. I have included some of the comments here for you to look at.
ISTE’s Viewpoint
Why ISTE goes to so much work to get multiple opinions on the NETS*A refresh?
Participant’s Opinons
Please participate. :)
Special thanks to all the ISTE Folks who are working hard on the refresh process.
Robert Hancock