States Again Weighing Proper Enrollment Age for Kindergartners EdWeek
Lawmakers in at least three states are debating whether to move the cutoff deadline for kindergarten eligibility to an earlier date so children will be at least 5 years old when they start school.
Rural schools prepare for proposed cuts AP
An emergency spending measure would provide $400 million nationwide for one year, but it’s tied into a contentious Iraq war funding bill that requires President Bush to bring combat troops home next year. The Democratic-led House approved the bill Friday, 218-212, despite a veto threat from Bush.
Trying to Disarm the Dangerous World That Students Live In NYT
Jeffrey Johnson took the standardized tests that Florida requires for promotion and graduation. He scored in the 93rd percentile in reading and the 95th in math. That same semester, he earned straight A’s. Days before commencement, at the age of 17, he was shot to death at a party during an argument about his car.
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