Education Opinion

Morning Round-up January 24, 2007

By Margaret Paynich — January 24, 2007 1 min read
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Bush Revives Some Past Proposals NYT
Mr. Bush also returned to the signature bipartisan accomplishment of his first term, the No Child Left Behind legislation that requires schools to demonstrate yearly progress in students’ achievements. He urged Congress to renew the law.

Bush to Push School Voucher Proposal AP
President Bush is making another run at giving poor students private school vouchers, but the Democratic-controlled Congress appears ready to block that move.

After the Last Lap, It’s Time for SAT Prep NYT
The course, paid for with a $100,000 federal grant, is intended to help poor and immigrant runners in the Armory’s program decipher the often complex college admissions process.

Love of Learning: Which Children Have It Most NYT
A study uses Census data to look at children who are most interested in their schoolwork.

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