We check them out ... them so you don’t have to:

Deadbeat Parent Mugshots Coming To Pizza Boxes Huffington Post: Customers at some suburban pizza parlors are getting something extra with their pepperoni and mushrooms.
Kennedy on NCLB AFT Blog: So why would Sen. Kennedy write this op-ed now?
Fooling the College Board Inside Higher Ed: An MIT professor coached student on how to get a good score on a lousy essay -- and pulled it off.
Associated Press Series on Unions Mike Antonucci: There’s something for every viewpoint here and well worth the time to read them all.
Here’s what teen sex really looks like Get On The Bus: That spider web at the top of this post is teen sex.
Charter Lotteries Eduwonk: There is a long two part debate about how public charter school admission lotteries (the random selection mechanism for over-subscribed schools) should be.
Accountability and Head Start Early Stories: I’d like to see a story done this spring that tells me how the NRS actually works in practice, by going out and observing the administration of the test.
Keeping the customers captive Joanne Jacobs: Some 15,000 children applied for 5,000 slots for new charter students [in Illinois].
Whole-wheat lunchroom Hall Monitor: “If they want certain kinds of food for their children, why don’t they pack their lunch?” she says.