Maybe Colvin was right. Reading this headline from Jim Romenesko’s MediaNews site (US attorneys scandal intrigues journalists, but not the public), I can’t help but think about the Reading First scandal. Like “Gonzalez-Gate,” Reading First may in the end be more interesting to some (education insiders) than others (mainstream journalists and the public).
Even if the public isn’t that interested, at least Gonzalez-Gate is interesting to reporters and their editors. Despite recent coverage from the Times and most recently AP, the story hasn’t exactly taken off like education stories sometimes do. (Just last year, there was the AYP “loophole” story, remember? Ah, those were the days.)
Previous Posts: What Makes A “Real"Education Story?, Reading First Defenders, Unite, Reading First Finally Makes It As A Mainstream Story, Lessons From Reading First: No One Cares About Local Control Anymore.